Friday, February 13, 2009


): i haaate being sick on a rainy daay so gloooomy. But then i found my old cellfone from frikin junior high and it had all these messages from him. oh ma goooodness. i felt so stupiddddddddd reading those. i was such a dork baack then. craaaacks me up.
" excuse me miss i saw you from across miss kerrs rooom and i got to admit that you got my attention you making me wanna saay yo" (: IDK ANYMORE.
giving in to easssy.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Long ass daaay today. I woke up at 8 which is like rare on the weekends. Even my mommma was are you sure youre awake?! but anyways haad a party at the house for my dadddy cell. Kuya bought a new engine thingy for the white car. idk im not into these car stuff. had bonding times with the babbies plus hieudoodoo. Ohhhhhhhh and i found my old box full of notes from junior high. shitttt i was gunna cry. actually i did well i teared up. it was funnny though cuhs half them letter were all about him. Hella made me think. cuhs they was all saying how we would get back together later all in life and dont trip. shittt. and then i found all them other notes "I fuckin love you like crazy how can you not see that" or" Fuck you broke my heart, you pulled a fuckin bitch move saying yes to him"... ): reading all them shit i just wanted to go back in time and change everything. fuck. i hella miss all them times. Its funnny how everything they told me came true. well for the most part. cuhs yeah we still talk and maybe it could turn back the way it used to be.. even better. ha hopefully. idkkkk shit still confuses me. I swear everything that happened today just like brought him up. whatever im over it.anyways Song of the day "Baby I love you and I'll never let you go
But if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we make can never be erased
And i promise you that you will never be replaced "

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Yeeee first blog niggga;
well todaaay was International Assemblyy.Fuckinnnnn tired. Had only like 5 hours of sleeeep. ma gooodness. The assembly was arrighttt. could have been better but it was all gooood. Messsed up like a bajiliion times but i played it offff. It was funnn dancin though just like old times. i hella misss tahitian dancing. And the drum beaaaats. Mmmmm. ahaha It was like my first show all over again.
I got to missss 5 periodsss, yee nigga. (: Hella chill daay. Mmm but lunch i helped out so i didnt get to eat the foood, but its coo IM ON A DIET. All i ate was like two turons and bon bons. And itsfuckin raaaining. Rain makes me wannna cry. Theres like something about it that depressses me so. Mmmm but what hellla got me down was the crussst... maakin up shit again w.e im over it. Im just confused riiight now. cuhs i dont know what he wants from me its like all the little things he does makes me smile. but when other guys do little things like him i could care lesss. but like ealrier he always checks up on my thing on aim it amuses me cuhs he actually takes time to read it and he gets all htuoeatgahega and wonders what the hell i meaan. Its cute i guess. idk hes liek the only one thaat makes me think like this i sweaar. But im just scared to fall for him again. Quote of thaaa day "The greatest irony of love; loving the the right person at the wrong time, having the worst person when the time is right and finding out you love someone right after they walk of your life. And sometimes you may think that your over that person, but when you see them smile at you, you'll suddenly realize that youre just pretending to be over them just to ease the pain of knowing that they will never be yours again."